Chairperson: Anthony Asaad
The Crime Watch Committee is made of up Block Captains who work to make Meridian safe for everyone and help relay important information to residents on their block such as crime reported in our neighborhood and suspicious activity. We meet once a quarter and email out monthly neighborhood crime statistics. If you are interested in doing your part to make Meridian a safe place to live, sign up on the Committees page now!
Not Getting Our Emails?
If you aren’t getting our emails, be sure you have registered your email address with the Communications Committee and CMA.
Block Captains
Andrew Court – TBA
Annalea Cove – TBA
Bay de Vieux Drive – TBA
Cameron Bay Drive – TBA
Chaleur Bay Drive – TBA
Clearwater Drive – TBA
Elm Fork Drive – TBA
Krista Court – TBA
Lake City Drive – TBA
Mandalay Bay Drive – TBA
Marina Vista Drive – TBA
Safe Harbor Drive – TBA
Shoreline Way – TBA
Treasure Cove – TBA
Twilight Drive – TBA
White Rock Drive – TBA
What does a Block Captain do?
According to the Lewisville Police Department, a Block Captain’s Duties & Responsibilities consist of the following:
- Participate in Quarterly Neighborhood Watch Committee meetings.
- Prepare a list of persons on your block, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses (we have a starting point for you).
- Network with neighbors to help create awareness of crime watch related information and encourage all to keep an eye out for crime related activities.
- Distribute crime prevention materials as needed.
- IMMEDIATELY notify residents on your block of information on criminal activity. The Communications Committee or Crime Watch Chairperson will obtain information of criminal activity from our NPO and email this to you on a monthly basis.
Children Playing – Slow Down!
In 2011, we worked with the Board and the City of Lewisville to get signs installed to encourage drivers to slow down in our community since we have many children here. You’ll see these signs posted around.
Helpful Tips
Here are a few tips to help discourage would-be perpetrators:
- Keep the garage doors closed if you are not out front or working in the garage. Even if you plan on being in the back yard for a short time, it is best to shut the garage door.
- Lock your fence gate. It seems the entrance of choice for burglaries in many neighborhoods has been the back door. Locking the gate would require one to jump the fence which would arouse suspicion so a locked gate might deter the perpetrator.
- Get to know your neighbors! Inform your neighbors if you will be out of town and the specific dates. Ask them to watch your home and if they notice anyone at your house to phone the police department. Provide your neighbors with your contact information while you are away so they can reach you if needed. Ask your neighbors to remove newspapers from your lawn while away. Newspapers left in the driveway indicate you might be out of town.
- Make it a habit of setting your home alarm while you are away – even in the middle of the day. Consider adding glass break sensors to your alarm system for the downstairs windows and doors. Have your alarm system monitored.
- If you believe you are witnessing a crime in progress, dial 911. Non-emergency Lewisville Police department numbers are listed below:
Lewisville Police Department main number: 972-219-3600
Lewisville Police Patrol Sergeant: 972-219-3658
Lewisville Police Watch Commander: 972-219-3645