Bourbon Tasting (August 2010)

On Saturday, August 14, 2010, Justin & Ann (thanks again) who moved here from Kentucky hosted a Bourbon Tasting!

They provided the drinks and snacks, each with a bourbon theme or twist, with a small donation from each attendee.  Those who did not care for bourbon brought along their own beverage of choice, but still socialized and had a wonderful time!  Over 20 people in attendance.

Thanks again to Justin & Ann for hosting!

Wine Social (May 2010)

For the fourth event, attendees brought wines that were made in Texas!

On Saturday, May 1, 2010, Mark & Karen hosted the Texas Style Wine & Socializing event.  10 couples in attendance broke into two groups each tasting the red and white wines before rating them solely on taste.

The winners went home with a nice party gift from the hosts (great job)!

Thanks again to Mark & Karen for hosting!

Beer Tasting (September 2009)

On Saturday, September 19, 2009, Srikala & Vijay put a new twist on our third event — beer tasting!  First, we blind tasted four domestic beers (and were pleasantly surprised by our “guesses”) and then we just enjoyed a variety of beers the hosts had picked up.

The best turn out yet we had over 25 people! Hope you can join us at a future event.

Thanks again to Srikala & Vijay for hosting!  Great job guys!

A nonprofit corporation in Lewisville, TX